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Five more community projects have been awarded funding under the Seychelles Breweries Foundation.

The beneficiaries which included the Association for People with Hearing Impairment (APHI), Sports 4 Schools Association, Foresters Football Club, the Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority and the l’Entreprendre au Feminin Ocean Indien Seychelles (EFOI-S) signed their funding agreements in a short ceremony on the eve of International Women’s Day.

The community projects receiving financial support fall under the pillars of Inclusion and Diversity, Youth and Sports, Responsible Lifestyle and Upskilling of the local workforce.

 The funding for APHI will go towards the training of sign language interpreters to make a broad range of experiences more accessible for people with hearing impairment.

Sports 4 Schools’ funding will go towards the implementation of Sports promotion programmes for youths across Seychelles whilst that of the Foresters Football Club will go towards the implementation of the Club’s Youth Development programme.

The Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority is to receive funding for renovation works on two boardwalks with ramp to ease access of disabled visitors in the Veuve Reserve on La Digue, Seychelles fourth largest island.

In line with the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day which was Invest in Women, Accelerate growth, the fifth beneficiary, l’Entreprendre au Feminin Ocean Indien Seychelles (EFOI-S) is to receive funding for the purchase of a Testing Kit laboratory to provide technical support to empower women entrepreneurs and help them improve their product quality.

The Testing Kit laboratory will allow women entrepreneurs to test the quality of the products to ensure consistency and uniformity and consequently high-quality products to sell to consumers.

Speaking at ceremony, Seychelles Breweries Managing Director Yvonne Mwangi congratulated all the beneficiaries for their successful bids and said that she was excited to see all the community projects come to life.

She said that for EFOI-S it was particularly fitting that they receive the financial support on the eve of International Women’s Day as the company takes to heart to invest in its people and in this case women.

Conveying a vote of thanks on behalf of all the beneficiaries, the Chairperson of EFOI-S, Ms Claudette Albert said they were very appreciative of the support received and called on other companies locally to do same.